A Post Modern Nihilist's view of climate change
Tiny particles we can’t even see, generations of people who don’t even exist right now, animals in the arctic I’ve never seen in real life. All this climate change talk is just a big fat scam. I am supposed to believe things about these little particles in the air that I can’t see, feel, or smell? The scientists are just trying to ruin our lives. It’s all a setup, just wait a few years and they’ll be laughing in our faces, driving around everywhere in their SUVs while we’ve got to buy new “clean” cars and pay more for “clean” energy and all that baloney. It’s all a trick, these scientists are trying to stop us from enjoying our own lives, enjoying the present moment. They’re stirring up all this fear in everyone, and people are falling for it. Don’t be one of those people. Where’s the truth in all of this? They give us numbers and data and charts and their fancy scientist gibberish, and they say, ‘here, believe us now! We’ve got numbers, believe us!’ But do I go falling for their hundred-page documents of numbers and graphs? Absolutely not! And then there are these other people talking about these super old graphs with data from way back and they’re saying the heating up is just another cycle of the weather. They’ve got these graphs and they’re saying, ‘this proves that the same thing’s been happening for ages.’ On top of that, there are some people saying ‘climate change can’t possibly be in our control because we humans don’t have that kind of power. That’s something controlled by God.’ With all these conflicting ideas, I’ve concluded that none of them work. I’ve just written off this whole climate change mess. I can easily make up tons of data, take pictures of people in polar bear costumes, use Hollywood special effects to make hurricanes and stuff. The telltale sign that this whole thing is a scam is that none of the predicted effects are happening right now. They’re all supposed to happen in the near future, and we are supposed to worry about our children and future generations. It sounds fishy from the start. The only thing I can know for sure is what’s happening right now, this moment. So I encourage you to write off all this climate change stuff and simply live in the moment.