Result #1
You invested no time or money into addressing climate change, which is indeed real.
Flash forward 100 years: the polar ice caps are almost completely melted, and the Maldives are now
fully submerged under water, along with many of the Eastern coastal cities of the US. The Earth’s last
polar bears swam themselves to exhaustion in search of ice floes to latch onto. They are now extinct,
and the planet’s only living penguins exist in captivity. One natural disaster occurs after another-
hurricanes, flash floods, droughts, and massive snow storms have claimed the lives of nearly half a
billion people in the last 10 years. Weather patterns everywhere are extreme: across the world, winters
are on average 15 degrees colder than they used to be, and summers 15 degrees hotter. When weather
permits them to attend school, your great grandchildren read about people like you, who denied climate
change as a threat to humans, in their history classes. They resent that your generation was too greedy
and self-involved to leave them with a safe and healthy planet to live on.